University of Wisconsin-Madison (opens in new window)

Ready to Find Your People?

Find Your People


Everyone on campus has struggled at one time or another with feeling lonely or making friends.

It's okay and
It's normal.
More than half of the students (51.5%) in the 2023 National College Health Assessment reported feeling lonely.

It's okay and
It's normal.
Loneliness is complex. It's a factor of the Pandemic, this Era of Uncertainty we are in, and Social Anxiety.

It's okay and
It's normal.
Feeling connected to other people helps our bodies respond and handle stress. But reaching out can feel scary or awkward at first.

It's okay and
It's normal.
Many people struggle with knowing when to reach out and seek resources, advice, and strategies to make friends.

It's okay and
It's normal.
Showing up at a campus event alone might feel weird. Know others are feeling weird too and waiting for someone to talk to them.

It's okay and
It's normal.


These listed events have been designed to help you make connections:


Sunday Game Night

WUD Games
5 - 9 pm
Union South | Free
Join us in the Sett for our weekly Sunday Game Night and play a variety of board and video games! The featured is TBD.

Sunday Game Night

WUD Games
5 - 9 pm
Union South | Free
Join us in the Sett for our weekly Sunday Game Night and play a variety of board and video games! The featured is TBD.
6 - 9 pm Mon | Apr 7 - Apr 28
Sett Recreation: Bowling + Games | Course Fee $20 (cash) per team
Ready to show off your bowling skills? Gather a group of 4 and join the fun!

Sunday Game Night

WUD Games
5 - 9 pm
Union South | Free
Join us in the Sett for our weekly Sunday Game Night and play a variety of board and video games! The featured is TBD.
6 - 9 pm Mon | Apr 7 - Apr 28
Sett Recreation: Bowling + Games | Course Fee $20 (cash) per team
Ready to show off your bowling skills? Gather a group of 4 and join the fun!
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Check out Rec Well's Challenge Course operated by the Adventure Learning Programs (ALPs)! Transportation provided.

Sunday Game Night

WUD Games
5 - 9 pm
Union South | Free
Join us in the Sett for our weekly Sunday Game Night and play a variety of board and video games! The featured is TBD.
6 - 9 pm Mon | Apr 7 - Apr 28
Sett Recreation: Bowling + Games | Course Fee $20 (cash) per team
Ready to show off your bowling skills? Gather a group of 4 and join the fun!

Sunday Game Night

WUD Games
5 - 9 pm
Union South | Free
Join us in the Sett for our weekly Sunday Game Night and play a variety of board and video games! The featured is TBD.

Most events at the Wisconsin Union are great for making connections with others. If you don't see an event that suits your interests, check out the Union's full Event Calendar for more.


  • Be Kind and Smile

    Friendliness goes a long way!

    Take the First Step

    Take the initiative and say hi first!

    Say YES!

    Try something new, explore what's out there!

    Get Involved

    Join a student organization or club.

    Take a Chance

    Get outside of your comfort zone.

    Be Yourself

    You don't have to change yourself to make friends.

  • Grant Application

    The purpose of the RSO Find Your People Event Grant is to:

    • Promote friendship making
    • Normalize the uncertainty around making connections
    • Provide opportunities for students to have fun and meet others
    • Support the intentional design of events to promote connections

    This grant is made possible through Student Life.


    Here is the criteria for qualification: 

    • Up to $400 may be requested
    • Funds must be used for free, student-oriented, alcohol-free activities
    • Events must be open and promoted to all members of the UW community
    • Events must include an interactive element so that students can meet on another
    • Events must use the Find Your People Event tagline and mark
    • Upon approval, events will be listed on the Find Your People calendar


    Preference is given to events that:

    • That occur in the Wisconsin Union
    • That are new programs/initiatives or significant additions to ongoing programs/initiatives
    • Application is submitted at least two weeks before the event to give enough time for promotion
    • No more than 35% of the grant amount requested is for the cost of food


    Funding from the RSO Find Your People Event Grant can be applied to:

    • Any expenses paid directly to the Wisconsin Union or any UW campus unit
    • Space/room rental
    • Equipment rental
    • Food
    • Internal university expenses can be paid directly, however external expenses will need to be reimbursed

    Please include as much detail as possible for describing your proposed event.

  • To add your event to the Find Your People calendar, you can send the event details to

    Or, if you are WUD leader or WI Union Program Planner, add the "Find Your People" tag to your event and it will show up here.

  • Concept

    • Promote friendship making
    • Normalize the uncertainty around making connections
    • Provide opportunities to have fun and meet others
    • Intentionally designed events and messaging

    Why this is needed

    • Almost 40% of college students reported feeling loneliness the previous day
    • More than half of the students (51.5%) in the 2023 National College Health Assessment by the American College Health Association, reported feeling lonely
    • Rising social anxiety rates contribute to and result from loneliness and can lead to a spiral of isolation. Loneliness is associated with both mental and physical health risks

    What is Being Created

    • Calendar of “Find Your People” branded events and experiences
    • Messaging to students
    • An invitation to students emphasizing it is okay to attend alone

    How You Can Support

    • Submit events and experiences to the “Find Your People” Calendar (by sending event details to
    • Assist with monthly message creation to students
    • Develop talking points for your events
    • Use the provided flyer template and/or “Find Your People” circle mark on your promotions
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