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Paddling Rentals

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How to Rent Paddling Equipment

The 2024 Paddling Season is here!

Rent With Us

Paddling Costs

Union Member Deal: 10% off paddling rentals on Thursdays! 

Stand-up Paddleboard (SUP) OR Kayak OR Canoe

One-Person Craft

Two-Person Craft

Multi-Person Craft

UW-Madison Student $15 $20  
Non-Student $18 $22  
8-Person Mega Stand-up Paddleboard (SUPSquatch)*     $50

 * Reservations recommended call (608) 262-1630

  • Rental prices are per craft (not per person). 
  • Rental charges are assessed by the hour.
  • Rentals returned more than 10 minutes after subsequent hour begins will be charged for an additional hour. 
  • Summer paddling rentals office hours: 11:00 PM - 8:30 PM, (hours fluctuate through out the year, but typically follow UW Lake Rescue & Safety Hours). All rentals are subject to weather conditions.

General Info & FAQs

    • Life jackets must be worn at all times while on the water. Failure to adhere to this rule will result in a loss of future rental privileges with Outdoor UW.
    • For safety reasons, we will not rent crafts to any individual(s) under the influence of alcohol or any other drugs
    • Reservations for paddle crafts are recommend ahead of time. Walk-in rentals will be accommodated as available first-come, first serve.  Please call for large groups.
    • If renting equipment for a group, the individual renting equipment is responsible for all equipment as indicated on the contract and any late, lost, repair or cleaning fees.
    • No pets allowed on or in any rental items.
    • All rental equipment is to be used as intended by the manufacturer. Customers are encouraged to request a demonstration in the proper use of all equipment rental items.
    • The maximum number of people in canoes and tandem kayaks is 2; the maximum in solo kayaks and SUP boards is 1. The maximum number of people on the SUPSquatch is 8; the minimum on the SUPSquatch is 5.
    • Age requirements: 
      • 18+: Eligible to rent any piece of equipment
      • 16-17: Legal guardian must sign a liability waiver; renter is eligible to take out any paddle craft.
      • Under 16: Legal guardian must be present to sign a liability waiver. Renters under 16 must be accompanied by a legal guardian in a two person craft

    We are able to accommodate individuals and groups. Please visit the group activities page to learn more and make a group/private paddling reservation.

  • All Outdoor UW lake rentals abide by UW Lifesaving policies and their assessment of environmental conditions on and around Lake Mendota. Outdoor UW rents paddle craft only on green flag days when UW Lifesaving is open. However, depending on the speed and direction of the wind, Outdoor UW reserves the right to not rent even if the flag is green. See Lake Mendota's current conditions

    Before you come to Outdoor UW, check the weather and Lake Mendota's current conditions. Please call us at (608) 262-1630 with any questions.

    Learn more about UW Lifesaving operations and lake safety.

    Are You Open If There Is A Northwind?

    If the UW Lifesaving flag is green but the wind direction is from the North and higher than 12 mph, we will not be open for paddling rentals. On a Northwind day, the waves have the entire length of the lake to grow, so when they reach our launching point they're quite big. This can be challenging in even lighter winds, but in moderate to heavy wind, it is extremely challenging for stand-up paddleboards and inexperienced paddlers.

    Are You Open If There Is A Southwind?

    If the UW Lifesaving flag is green and the wind is from the South, we will be open for paddling rentals unless the conditions are too strong for beginning paddlers. However, keep in mind that on a Southwind day, the lakefront buildings block most of the wind, so while it is calm in the bay, beyond the mooring field the wind can be unsuspectingly strong. When you're paddling against the wind it will take you twice as long to get back to the rental area.

    Are You Open If There Is An Eastwind Or Westwind?

    If the UW Lifesaving flag is green and the wind is from the East or West, we will be open for paddling rentals unless the conditions are too strong for beginning paddlers. The most important thing to remember with these winds is that it will be harder on the way back if you begin by going with the wind.

  • The recommended paddle area is an imaginary line between Picnic Point and Tenney Park. Beginner paddlers and 1-hour rentals are encouraged to stay close to the mooring field, as this is the best site for rescue from UW Lifesaving in case of an emergency.

    OUW Map 600wide

  • What's The Weather Like?

    Always check the forecast before you come to Outdoor UW and before you go out on the water. A lot of rentals are dependent on the wind direction and speed, and storms or high winds may cause the lake to be closed for a period of time. Long exposure to sunlight and extreme heat is also something to be aware of; be prepared with proper hydration, sunscreen, and clothing.

    I Have Never Been Paddling Before. How Do I Get Started?

    No worries! We are here to help you and also have a handful of resources to help get you started:

    Canoes: It is important that the person in the back of the canoe (helm) knows how to steer, and that the person in the front (bow) has more strength. Basic paddle strokes will be taught by the staff member helping with the canoes. Check out this video for instruction on getting in and getting started and this one for the golden rules of canoeing!

    Kayak: As with the canoe, staff members will be able to offer instruction on how these paddling strokes should be executed. Check out this video for instruction on getting in and getting started and this one for the golden rules of kayaking!

    SUP: This is a much simpler craft for paddling, but the form of the stroke is very important. Staff members will offer instruction on how these paddling strokes should be executed. Check out this video for instruction on getting on and getting started and this one for the golden rules of SUP!

  • Note: In the event of an emergency, each life jacket is equipped with a card on how to proceed in the event of an emergency.

    I Flipped

    Don't panic. Stay with or on the craft as even swamped canoes float. If in shallow water, stand up and bring the boat to shore to empty the water. If not, stay by or on the flipped craft and wave your arms in the direction of the Capitol, which is where the UW Lifesaving Station is located. Keep waving and they'll be by soon!

    I Need Immediate Help And/Or Can't Paddle Back To Shore

    Don't panic. Simply find a comfortable position in your craft and make sure you are visible to the UW Lifesaving Station and wave your arms in the direction of the Capitol. If you have a working cell phone, call them at (608) 262-5865.

    I Lost Something In The Water

    Do not attempt to dive for it. If it is a valued possession, try to remember best where you were and upon return notify the staff.

    I Hit Another Boat Or Something Else

    If you cannot paddle, or if someone is injured, stay where you are and wave your arms in the direction of the Capitol to notify UW Lifesaving. When you return to shore, notify the Outdoor UW staff of the accident and any damage.

    I Lost A Paddle!

    If possible, try to retrieve the paddle while staying in your craft. If someone is near you, ask them to help retrieve the paddle. If the paddle is lost or out of sight, wave your arms in the direction of the Capitol to notify UW Lifesaving. Notify the Outdoor UW staff immediately of the missing paddle.

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