University of Wisconsin-Madison (opens in new window)

Outdoor Explorer Series

Slideshow Items

  • OES Introductory Course

  • OES Leadership Course

  • OES Advancement Course

Location: Memorial Union
Cost: Dependent on Course
Categories: ClassesWorkshop

Learn with Outdoor UW

Outdoor UW provides students and community members opportunities to learn from experienced outdoor educators and industry professionals every academic year. Join us to learn new outdoor skills, improve upon your existing knowledge base, and/or develop new leadership techniques to expand your influence!

Introductory courses are designed to provide you with the skillset to start your adventure outdoors, no experience necessary! Join us for courses like intro to skiing, car camping, fire-building and more.

Leadership courses will elevate your ability to manage your own outdoor organization. We offer courses centered around community building, budgeting & fundraising, managing volunteers and more!

Advancement courses are all about safety outdoors, developed in collaboration with NOLS. Learn about wilderness first aid, and get (re)certified as a Wilderness First Responder!

We are always developing new courses and re-running previous courses so stay informed about our latest class offerings by subscribing to the Outdoor UW email list.

Location: Memorial Union
Cost: Dependent on Course
Categories: ClassesWorkshop
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