University of Wisconsin-Madison (opens in new window)

Literary Arts

Slideshow Items

  • PubCom FallLaunch OD 6306 1

  • PubComm MODA Fashion Show withtags SM 18

  • WUDDLS EveEwing DM 5100

  • PubCom MU Totally80sParty DM 56

What is the Literary Arts Committee?

Formerly known as the Publications Committee, the Wisconsin Union Directorate Literary Arts Committee (WUD Lit) celebrates creativity on campus by providing hands-on experience in publishing, editing, writing, and art-making. We connect with the UW-Madison community through storytelling events, lectures with established authors, book clubs, and many other exciting events. In addition, we publish three student-run magazines for students interested in music, food journalism, or creating and publishing creative works of poetry, art, and prose. Involvement in our committee gives students valuable creative skills and experiences that they can connect to their courses, careers, or personal endeavors.

How Do I Get Involved?

Students interested in the literary arts are encouraged to join the Literary Arts Committee, regardless of major or prior experience.

If you’re specifically interested in photography, journalism, graphic design, art, or just curious about the magazine publishing industry, check out our three student-run publications: 

  • EMMIE, a print magazine and online blog focusing on the local and national music scene.
  • The Dish, the only local foodie magazine targeted towards college students.
  • Illumination, a literary journal publishing creative writing and art from students on campus.


WUD Lit Committee Meetings are held every Wednesday at 6pm in Union South during the academic year. Check the TITU (Today in the Union) listing for the room location each week.


If you have any questions or would like more information about how to get involved, contact our director at

Stay Connected

Sign up for our email list below to stay up to date on our upcoming meetings and events, as well as literary arts-related content. You can also find updates and literary arts-related content by following our Instagram at @wudliteraryarts.

Get In Touch

Brianna Rau, Director

Committee Meetings 

Wednesdays at 6pm
(during the academic year)

Union South, TITU
Kickoff WED 9/18 @ 6pm!


Follow Us for Updates

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