Wisconsin Union Directorate, Wisconsin Union will hold Human Rights Week events Dec. 1-7
Posted: 11/26/19

Human Rights Week to put spotlight on equality, race relations, addressing rights injustices, and more

The Wisconsin Union Directorate (WUD) and the Wisconsin Union will hold multiple Human Rights Week events Dec. 1-7 at Memorial Union, Union South and other campus locations.
Current events include the following:
- “Still Beginning: The 30th Annual Day With(out) Art” film screening, Dec. 1 at 7 p.m., Marquee at Union South, hosted by the WUD Art and Film Committees
- Women’s Empowerment Gala, Dec. 2 at 6:30 p.m., Tripp Commons at Memorial Union, hosted by the WUD Global Connections Committee
- “Forbidden Voices” film screening, Dec. 2 at 7 p.m., Marquee at Union South, hosted by the WUD Film and Publications Committees
- Service at the Texas-Mexico Border with LUPE, Dec. 3 at 8 p.m., Agriculture Room at Union South, hosted by the WUD Alternative Breaks Committee
- Food and Human Rights, Dec. 4 at 4:30 p.m., 5th Quarter Room at Union South, hosted by the WUD Cuisine Committee and the Wisconsin Union Social Justice Hub
- Poetry by Caleb Rainey, Dec. 4 at 6:30 p.m., Play Circle at Memorial Union, hosted by the WUD Performing Arts Committee
- “Beyond the Gates” film screening, Dec. 4 at 7 p.m., Marquee at Union South, hosted by the WUD Film and Society and Politics Committees
- Health Equity Symposium, Dec. 5 at 5 p.m., George L. Mosse Humanities Building, hosted by the Wisconsin Union Social Justice Hub and the Student Pre-Health Committee
- Talk with Professor Campbell: HIV and Art, Dec. 5 at 6 p.m., Memorial Union, hosted by the WUD Art Committee
- Joseph Chilliams, Dec. 5 at 7 p.m., Play Circle at Memorial Union, hosted by the WUD Music Committee
- Spotlight on Chaz Wheelock: Indigenous Peoples and Lands Diaspora and the New World Drama, Dec. 5 at 7:30 p.m., H.F. DeLuca Forum in the Discovery Building, hosted by the WUD Distinguished Lecture Series Committee
- Free Art Friday: Drawing Food Insecurity, Dec. 6 at 5 p.m., Wheelhouse Studios at Memorial Union, hosted by the WUD Cuisine Committee in partnership with the Union’s Wheelhouse Studios
- Student Artists of Color Panel Discussion, Dec. 6 at 6 p.m., Northwoods Room at Union South, hosted by the WUD Art Committee
The members of WUD’s committees and clubs created their events with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in mind, which says, "Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. Everyone is entitled to these rights, without discrimination."
“We really want to bring campus together and celebrate our universal human rights while also educating those who are unsure about what they are,” Wisconsin Union Vice President of External Relations Alison Hovind said. “We wanted to bring awareness to the official Human Rights Day, which is Dec. 10.”
WUD includes 10 committees and six Wisconsin Hoofers clubs that organize, promote and execute thousands of cultural events and outdoor recreation opportunities each year.
More information about the student leaders’ week of human rights-related events is available at union.wisc.edu/humanrights.