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WUD Music Presents: Boo Mularky

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WUD Music Presents: Boo Mularky

Friday, March 8
4 pm
Memorial Union | der Rathskellar
Cost: Free
Come see the amazing one-human jug band medicine show, Boo Mullarky, on 3/8/24 in der Rathskellar.

"Thanks to his feel for the sonic quirks of dime store acoustic guitars, Boo Mullarky is as warm and fun as bluesy acts come these days,"
- The Onion A.V.

Boo Mullarky is the amazing one-human jug band medicine show, featuring Boo pumping out deep ragtime blues and Cajun tunes on a unique ensemble of old car horns, bells, a half guitar/half bass...guitar, kazoo, an old suitcase for a drum, and a tambourine...all at once! Steeped in the steam of the Gulf Coast marshes, Boo grew up on both sides of the Sabine River, dividing his early world between the lonesome cattle calls of Texas and the high-spirited mournful Cajun wail of Southern Louisiana. With the haunting moan of the swamp and that throbbing Delta backbeat pulse, all peppered up with some fancy finger work and tales of the pavement, Boo colors his songs with a rich homegrown flavor that just can’t be manufactured!

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