Artist Jeremy Anacker will guide you through the basics of observational drawing, building your confidence with a pencil in your hand and a sketchpad in your lap. Students will learn the academic approach to seeing and visually responding while studying various still life subjects. You will learn how to draw from a grid, use charcoal, drafting pencils and more. Work on your hand-eye coordination skills, gain acuity of seeing, and broaden your knowledge of classical drawing techniques.
Learn the basics of figure drawing broken down into accessible sections and techniques in this beginner drawing class.
Enjoy an evening of instructor-led painting, focusing on skill building and fun, with a glass of wine and good friends! Must be 21 or older to participate. Your first glass of wine or beer is provided, additional refreshments available for purchase.
Nature's Design Code: Create a piece of art using watercolor pencils and pen with a design structure based on patterns found in countless forms in nature.
This is a past event and has been archived for reference.