University of Wisconsin-Madison (opens in new window)

Outdoor Explorer Series: Fishing and Cooking in the Outdoors

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Outdoor Explorer Series: Fishing and Cooking in the Outdoors

Outdoor UW & Hoofers
Wednesday, April 16
5:15 - 6:30 pm
Memorial Union | Mendota Lodge, Lower Level
Course Price: $5
An introduction to outdoor cooking and fishing that will make you more comfortable for your next adventure!

Fishing and Cooking in the Outdoors: Have you ever wanted to catch and cook your own fish dinner during an outdoor adventure? You're going to need to learn some of the basics of backcountry fishing first. Come join our intro to backcountry fishing, where we will talk about the tools you need to catch fish while backpacking (fly fishing, spin fishing, handline fishing), the anatomy and tips for river fishing, fish ID, and how to clean and cook fish while in the backcountry. 

Upon completion of this class, a student will:

  • Learn about and get hands-on practice with portable tools you need to catch fish while backpacking 
    • fly fishing
    • spin fishing
    • handline fishing
  • Identify places where fish hide in a river
  • Share tips for casting and targeting these places in a river/lake,
  • Gain knowledge of fish ID
  • Learn how to clean and cook fish while in the backcountry

--- Class is located in the Mendota Lodge on the water level of Memorial Union (along the lakefront and across from the Outdoor UW office) ----

*** If you are a person with a disability needing reasonable accommodation for this course, please contact our Dan Dunne, ***

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Outdoor UW
(608) 262-1630

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