University of Wisconsin-Madison (opens in new window)

Intro to Cross-Country Skiing

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  • 1.31.21 Hoofers Nordic Skiing 101 SM 12 1

Intro to Cross-Country Skiing

Outdoor UW & Hoofers
Friday, February 17
5 - 7 pm
Memorial Union | Mendota Lodge, Lower Level
Course Price: $3
Join Outdoor UW for their new Outdoor Explorer Series. Learn and practice a new skill that will make you more comfortable and excited for your next adventure!

Intro to Cross-Country Skiing

Getting outside during winter in Wisconsin can be a bit challenging…xc skiing to the rescue! We will learn about the basics of xc skiing in the classroom, then move on to the lake for some hands-on practice. Join us on this introductory course to learn the ins and outs of this winter activity.

Upon completion of this class, participants will:

  • Learn about what xc skiing is and why it is popular 
  • Understand the difference between classic and skate skiing
  • Learn about what gear is needed to have a successful trip 
  • Get hands-on practice on xc skis 


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Outdoor UW
(608) 262-1630

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