University of Wisconsin-Madison (opens in new window)

Leadership Course: Becoming a Conscious Leader

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Leadership Course: Becoming a Conscious Leader

Outdoor UW & Hoofers
Tuesday, November 29
5:30 - 6:30 pm
Memorial Union | Mendota Lodge
Course Price: $3 for Non-Hoofer Members | Free for Hoofer Members
Learn about the relationship between the outdoors and the world around us!

Being in the outdoors allows us to disconnect from society. However, societal issues continue to impact both us and the environment. This leadership course will reflect on the relationship between worldly topics and the outdoors. Although we may feel completely disconnected in the outdoors, these issues have a direct impact on your trip and your trip participants. Join us to learn how to become a conscious leader!

Upon completion of this class attendees will:

  • Understand the importance of education about issues that impact the outdoors
  • Learn what factors make the outdoor community exclusive and how to make the community more inclusive 
  • Articulate how major international events such as COVID and climate change affect the outdoors

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Outdoor UW
(608) 262-1630

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