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A Conversation with Chelsea Manning

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A Conversation with Chelsea Manning

Lecture & Discussion
Thursday, February 17
7 - 8:30 pm (Doors open at 6:30pm)
Memorial Union | Shannon Hall
Cost: Free
Join WUD Distinguished Lecture Series for a conversation and Q&A with activist and whistleblower Chelsea Manning.

Join WUD Distinguished Lecture Series for a conversation and Q&A with activist and whistleblower Chelsea Manning. Manning will be discussing topics including ethics in public service, transgender rights activism and resistance in light of advancing technologies. This event will take place at Shannon Hall at Memorial Union. 

This is a free ticketed event and tickets can be claimed at Please bring a printout of the tickets, e-tickets are not accepted. You can also get the tickets at the Memorial Union Box Office (first floor).

About Chelsea Manning:

In 2010, Chelsea Manning, working as an intelligence analyst in the United States Army in Iraq, disclosed 720,000 classified military documents that she had smuggled out via the memory card of her digital camera. In March 2011, the army sentenced Manning to thirty-five years in military prison, charging her with twenty-two counts relating to the unauthorized possession and distribution of classified military documents. The day after her conviction, Manning declared her gender identity as a woman and began to transition. In 2017, President Barack Obama commuted her sentence and she was released from prison.

In this talk, Manning recounts how her pleas for increased institutional transparency and government accountability took place alongside a fight to defend her rights as a trans woman. She reveals her challenging childhood, her struggles as an adolescent, what led her to join the military, and the fierce pride she took in her work. We also learn the details of how and why she made the decision to send classified military documents to WikiLeaks.

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WUD Distinguished Lecture Series

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