Hours and prices are subject to change. We appreciate your understanding.
If you are interested in joining our team, visit the Union Jobs Page.
Der Stiftskeller will be closed for spring break from Friday, March 21st until Sunday, March 30th.
Der Stiftskeller is UW-Madison’s very own bierhaus. As an annex of Der Rathskeller, it serves a variety of beer, wine and soda plus the perfect salty snacks. accompaniments to your beverage of choice.
Pay with your student Wiscard and receive a 10% discount. Plus UW-Madison Resident Hall students – use your Dining Dollars and your $5 meal exchange at any Wisconsin Union restaurant, café, or market. For more details check out go.wisc.edu/meal-exchange
Sign up to receive the latest info Wisconsin Union Dining and learn more about deals like #PennyPromotions and Hooked!
Find out why we’re the best place to work on campus. Gain real life experience and skills in a fun, fast paced environment.