Wisconsin Union announces fall operations of Memorial Union, Union South, and Union-run campus markets and cafes
Posted: 08/24/20

Wisconsin Union’s Memorial Union Terrace and Union South’s Plaza will start the academic year with a special students-only weekend of events, dining services and activities Friday, Aug. 28 through Tuesday, Sept. 1. After Sept. 1, Memorial Union and Union South, including outdoor space that will be available seasonally, will be open only to current UW–Madison students, staff and faculty for study spaces, dining services and meeting spaces for the remainder of the fall semester.
All patrons will be required to present a valid Wiscard and to wear a mask or other face covering to enter Memorial Union or Union South, including the Terrace and the Plaza.
Food and beverage options will be available in both Memorial Union and Union South as well as some Wisconsin Union markets and cafes across campus during the fall semester.
The Wisconsin Union will offer pick-up dining to students, faculty and staff through Grubhub at several Union dining options, including Carte; the Daily Scoops in Memorial Union and Union South; the Memorial Union Terrace, seasonally; Peet’s Coffee; der Rathskeller; Strada; Ginger Root; Harvest Grains; Prairie Fire; the Sett Pub; Urban Slice; Capital Café; Robin’s Nest; Badger Market in Ingraham; Badger Market in Medical Sciences; and Crossroads Café. Many of these dining options will begin serving the cam starting Sept. 2. Restaurant, market and cafe ordering options and availability are subject to change. For the most current information about each dining option, visit union.wisc.edu/dine.
Dining options from which patrons can order in-person beginning Sept. 2 through the fall semester include Badger Markets at Memorial Union and Union South; Badger Market in Ingraham; the Chazen Café; Crossroads Café; Feed Bag; Badger Market in Health Sciences Learning Center; Robin’s Nest; Capital Café; Badger Market in Medical Sciences; and Carte Express, which offers grab-n-go food and an assortment of beverages.
Beginning Sept. 2, in Memorial Union and Union South, campus community members can also order from select dining options through on-site kiosks, including der Rathskeller, Sett Pub, Prairie Fire, and Peet’s Coffee.
The Union team will provide seating for dining on the first floors of Memorial Union and Union South as well as, seasonally, Union South’s Plaza and the Memorial Union Terrace. Memorial Union Terrace tables are anticipated to be reservable in advance with on-site reservations accepted, as available seating allows. All other dining tables will be available on a first come, first served basis. Wisconsin Union team members will monitor, clean and disinfect dining spaces after each use.
The Union will also provide drop-in study spaces in upper floors at Union South and Memorial Union. Union team members will provide cleaning materials at each study area. The team will also professionally clean and disinfect study spaces every two to four hours. Study areas will close intermittently throughout each day to allow for professional cleaning. The Union team will post cleaning schedules at each space.
Rooms have been reconfigured to ensure physical distancing. The team will post each room’s capacity and will monitor spaces for capacity and cleanliness.
The Wisconsin Union’s building-wide cleaning protocols include cleaning restrooms at least every four hours and cleaning high touch areas as well as travel routes at least every hour.
Patrons are asked to not alter tables’ or chairs’ placements and, if seating is not available, are asked to seek other spaces for studying or dining to ensure physical distancing and limited capacity. Patrons and team members are also expected to follow physical distancing guidelines whenever possible.
“We, at the Wisconsin Union, are committed to providing a safe, clean environment for our UW–Madison students, staff and faculty,” said Mark Guthier, associate vice chancellor for student affairs and Wisconsin Union director. “With the needs of our campus community in mind, our team has come together to change our operations to allow for study spaces, dining service, meeting spaces, and events and activities that follow current public health guidelines.”
The Union will offer select meeting spaces for reservations by UW–Madison registered student organizations representatives, staff and faculty. All events will need to follow all university, local and state public health guidelines. For information about reserving a meeting space, visit union.wisc.edu/host-your-event.
The Wisconsin Union will provide in-person campus ID services at the Wiscard Office in Union South. For current hours and more information about Wiscard Office services, visit wiscard.wisc.edu.
Union team members and student leaders will offer virtual and limited capacity in-person events and activities throughout the year in line with public health guidelines, including art activities, live music and theater performances. For a list of upcoming events, visit union.wisc.edu/events.
Student leaders in clubs and committees within the Wisconsin Union Directorate, the Union’s programming and leadership board, will continue to lead the planning and implementation of most Wisconsin Union events. For information about student leadership opportunities, visit union.wisc.edu/wud.
The Union team encourages campus and community members to visit union.wisc.edu throughout the fall for information about available Wisconsin Union services, facilities, events and activities.