Outdoor UW is offering a Wilderness First Aid course through NOLS Wilderness Medicine Institute (WMI). This 16 hour Wilderness First Aid (WFA) course will help you prepare for the unexpected. This fast-paced, hands-on training is designed to meet the needs of trip leaders, camp staff, outdoor enthusiasts and individuals working in remote locations. It will introduce you to caring for people who become ill or injured far from definitive medical care.
Classroom lectures and demonstrations are combined with realistic scenarios where mock patients will challenge you to integrate your learning. At the end of the course, you’ll have the knowledge, skills and ability to make sound decisions in emergency situations.
The course is taught by seasoned instructors in a two-day format, from 8:00 AM-5:00 PM. Learning takes place both in the classroom and in outdoor settings regardless of weather conditions.
Call our office at (608) 262-1630 or stop in during office during business hours for more information. Current Hoofers should inquire with their club president about scholarship opportunities.
Come prepared for wet, muddy, cold or hot environments. To learn more about the curriculum please visit NOLS website.
Photo Credit: Jared Steinman
(608) 262-1630
Join Outdoor UW for a NEW course in the Outdoor Explorer Series (OES).
An introduction to Fire Building that will make you more comfortable and excited for your next adventure!
This is a past event and has been archived for reference.