Lapidary is the art of cutting, polishing or engraving stones. See how you can take a rough rock such as an agate or jasper and turn it into a work of art suitable for incorporating into jewelry. Designed for the intermediate user and a great complement to jewelry making. Learn safety and the advanced skill techniques to saw, grind, sand, and polish many different types of rock into cabochons. Successful completion of the course results in certification to utilize the lab during open shop periods. Additional supply cost depends on project(s) and includes some personal protection gear. Meets at the Madison Gem & Mineral Club on N. Patterson St, just north of E. Johnson St. Presented in cooperation with the Madison Gem & Mineral Club. 6 Meetings. INSTRUCTOR: Madison Gem & Mineral Club.
Learn how to mend your garments in beautiful new ways through sashiko stitching!
Learn the techniques of styling and photographing stunning portrait photography with your smartphone!
Enjoy an evening of instructor-led painting, focusing on skill building and fun, with a glass of wine and good friends! Must be 21 or older to participate. Your first glass of wine or beer is provided, additional refreshments available for purchase.
This is a past event and has been archived for reference.