University of Wisconsin-Madison (opens in new window)

Exhibition: Suzanne Soriano's "We Step Into the Light"

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Exhibition: Suzanne Soriano's "We Step Into the Light"

May 11, 26
All Day
Union South | Gallery 1308
Cost: Free
Soriano's exhibit honors the healing process of gender-based violence through multimedia work.

We Step Into the Light is an art exhibit that seeks to honor the healing process after an experience with sexual, relationship or gender-based violence and stalking. This event pairs volunteer artists with survivors (Muses) to collaborate creatively resulting in positively-themed artwork celebrating the life of the Muses. 

We Step Into the Light is an art exhibit that seeks to honor the healing process after an experience with sexual, relationship or gender-based violence and stalking. This event pairs volunteer artists with survivors (Muses) to collaborate creatively resulting in positively-themed artwork celebrating the life of the Muses. 

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