Last Chance Input Session
Posted: 08/04/15
Will be held: Monday, September 22, 2014, 5 - 7pm
Tripp Commons, Memorial Union
Plans for finishing the Memorial Union Reinvestment (MUR) are nearly complete. The last information gathering session is being held on Monday, September 22, from 5-7 pm in Tripp Commons, Memorial Union. Pizza and beverages will be served.
This is the final opportunity to review and comment on the designs and plans which will renovate and upgrade the central core and east wing of Memorial Union. These designs also include iconic spaces such as Der Rathskeller, Great Hall and the Terrace. Plans also include the future Alumni Park and Alumni House, which will anchor East Campus Mall to the shore of Lake Mendota.
“As the Wisconsin Union moves into the final phases of the design process for the Memorial Union, this event is a last chance for students and community members to give feedback on what will ultimately be the final design,” said Karyn Wilson, Student Project Manager for MUR.
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"As the Wisconsin Union moves into the final phases of the design process for the Memorial Union, this event is a last chance for students and community members to give feedback on what will ultimately be the final design,” said Karyn Wilson, Student Project Manager for MUR. “As Memorial Union is primarily a place for students to use on campus it is important that they have a say in these plans.
Due to changes in the planning process, this is the last time students and the community can offer feedback before designs are finalized. The current plans and expected benefits will be discussed at the meeting.
“At this ‘Last Chance Input’ session students can learn from and speak directly with the project architects and designers,” added Wilson. “In turn, they are eager to hear what the students and community have to say, so we urge all to come prepared to tell the architects and designers what you think!”
More than 17,000 students, faculty, staff, Union members and people from the community have given their feedback to make the MUR a success so far.
To learn what’s been accomplished so far, visit For more information contact Anna Johnson,, 608 890-4582.